Ashland, Oregon

With absolutely beautiful weather today, highs in the low 70s, sun shining, blue sky, we walked into Ashland and through the business district into Lithia Park, a 93 acre park near the edge of the city.

There is this cool, hand-sculpted totem pole in town.

This small park exists right in the middle of the city. Restaurants and bars have outdoor seating, so you can sit right above the creek.

 Here is the entrance to Lithia Park:

This little deer was just feet away from us on one of the trails...



  1. Hey Jess and Forrest! Sue (Wells) here...Darcy shared your blog with me and I'm soooo enjoying living "vicariously" through you! Jess you're an amazing photographer and have such a knack for writing just enough and not too much :) You've also inspired Rachel to do some traveling after she graduates Binghamton this August. I did a similar trip waaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1965 and would love to do it again now that I'm old enough to appreciate it! Best wishes in your job hunt in OR, and will continue to enjoy your travel blog! XOXOX

  2. Not sure why I am not able to type here I've tried several times trying once again
